Wednesday 25 February 2015

Double Page Spread Ancillary (Making Of)

Here is an example of a shot we directed Adrian to take. Though the angle is regarded as  strange, we felt it would be good to use a variety of shots, focuses and angles when we collected all the pictures in the end and picked what we thought were the most appropriate ones for the film.
Here I'm using the Burn & Dodge tool to manipulate areas of the image so darken/lighten them.  If  I thought the image needed a darker or grittier tone to it I went over certain areas with the Burn tool. If it became too dark, I reverted that with the dodge tool.
This is a plan of the double page spread conducted on the programme "Pages".
Here the text is being manipulated to make it look more visually pleasing, and aesthetic to the eye, There were a few things we regarded as "tacky" which we decided to omit.
This is a separate image of a brick wall taken on site. We originally thought the lighting here wasn't great, so we took a picture of the chicken and another of the wall. We cropped and layered the chicken in front of the wall and used the "healing tool" to make it look like one image. However the general consensus of the group was that the brick wall would make the typography too difficult to read, so we abandoned this and stuck with the original image.
As a group we went through the film to take any screenshots for stills we thought would make a good background image for the double page spread. However we didn't find anything worth using so we stuck with the original image that we deliberately took for the ancillary.

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