Monday 15 December 2014

Ending Check

Today I asked my previous Media teacher, Mr Titheridge for advice on an ending because as a group we were unsure about what we could do for it. There were so many different directions that we could take it in we were not sure about what we thought was fitting.

What he suggested regarding endings was that we shouldn't worry about what the ending is more going to be like, but more what we want for the audience. We referenced the award winning series True Detective, and how through the series we sympathise with the characters so much that the ending brings us closure (spoiler alert). By comparison, we also empathise with the protagonist from The BBC drama The Missing, where we sympathise with the character throughout. However, by contrast the ending is not satisfying and there is a lack of closure which reflects on the emotive response of the character and the audience.

In a nutshell, he concurred that the ending we choose is going to fit what we want our audience to feel. This raised some questions between us as yet we aren't sure what reaction we want from the audience yet, however it brings us one step closer to an ending.

This is an ending for True Detective. It play on the emotion of the audience and the connection they make with one of the protagonists, as to create sympathy and closure.

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