Thursday 18 December 2014

First Ideas for Music

Our introduction to the film begins with a driving scene. I wondered if there was any music that'd be appropriate for this, and while watching Kill Bill I figured that "Battle Without Honour Or Humanity" would be a good choice. The song itself compliments the scene here because it is energetic in pace and tone, reflecting the epicness of the robbers walking away.

The montage of our robbers splitting up and messing around with the loot really worked with "Money" by Pink Floyd. The lyrics are parallel to the storyline "share it, fair it, don't take a slice of my pie". We will probably work a little remix with one of our actors who has experience with Music, as well as the school's Music Tech teacher. The album that "Money" was released in also deals with greed, which relates to our storyline too. Possible intertextuality? 

We will download some generic royalty/copyright free music that has a western theme to it for our Mexican Standoff later on in the film. If we have the time we may make our own.

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