Monday, 15 September 2014

A2 Short Film Analysis (Stranded)

1. Shooting material appropriate
Including controlled use of camera 1/3
The use of camera movement was poor and in some cases inappropriate to the film
Attention to framing 1.5/3
The framing is average.
Variety of shot sizes 1.5/3
Some shots used. (Not an exhaustive list) Wide shots, medium shots, high and low shots.
Attention to mise en scene 1/3
The attention to MIS is again, average at best. The killer's casual sneakers are seen beneath the black sheet that he/she wears.

2. Editing so that meaning is apparent to the viewer
Making selective and appropriate use of shot transitions 1.5/4

The shot transitions are not fluid, thus making it seem amateur.
Making selective and appropriate use of captions 3/4
Appropriate captions were used throughout the film as needed.
Making selective and appropriate use of other effects 2/4
Lack of effects used, however there are some cuts and fade ins and outs.

3. Recording and editing sound with images appropriately 11/16
Some implementation of appropriate diagetic sound, e.g. engine rattling, relevent tone of music, diagetic music from radio, screams. Dialogue was poor, however

Total marks: 22.5/40

Level 2

I find that a Level 2 rating is appropriate for this coursework as it meets the criteria listed above to a mediocre standard.

Here are a number of screen shots from the film to justify my grading:

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